Social e.Commerce - the new growth area in India.


2019 e.Commerce GMV is USD 31 Billion, grows at 33% CAGR.

2019 e.Commerce GMV is USD 90 Billion.

TRADITIONAL e.COMMERCE consists of Vertical + Horizontal players.

SOCIAL e.Commerce is the white space in INDIA.

GROWTH from Social e.Commerce. is pegged as a USD 17 Billion Opportunity.

Social e.Commerce in INDIA consists of

- Re-seller based Social e.Commerce e.g [SHOP 101] + [MEESHO].

- Group-buying based Social eCommerce [DEAL SHARE] + MALL 91].

India has ~170 Million people who are using social media but are not online shoppers yet, due to trust issues online. Thus, we have seen the birth of Social eCommerce players who are targetting this 170 Million people (the market opportunity is worth USD 17 billion). . These new players, meesho, Shop101, Deal Share and Mall 91 are emerging players and show strong indicators of traction - in terms of high adoption and satisfaction of the end user.

The equivalent would be PINDUODUO in China. It’s revenue grew 700% from 63 Million in 2017 to 500 Million in 2018.

Source of reference: RedSeer ETailing Market.

Edited and Written by Simrita Dhillon.

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